Archive for December, 2012

Training “ROVER” ! Help!

Someone asked me about training their new dog. They pestered me so much that I finally gave in and went to see this critter…CALLED ROVER. Now that is a very rare name indeed! But Rover it was and Rover it shall be. large dog with lady

When I saw Rover for the first time, he was happily chewing on AN OLD HOUSE SLIPPER given to him by his insane master. Why did I call my friend insane, you ask?  Well one of the rules about dog training is DO NOT GIVE YOUR DOG ANY PERSONAL ITEMS TO CHEW ON!  Because if you leave Rover at home while you go somewhere, you’re apt to come home and find your expensive pair of shoes all chewed up!

dog's big mouth

dog’s big mouth

tennis shoe

tennis shoe

Now don’t blame Rover because it was you who gave him his first shoe to chew on and play with. What you forgot is this…Rover can not tell the difference between the old discarded shoe he was given to play with and the new expensive shoe he is not allowed to play with! To avoid this type of mistake… let’s go to some basic facts about dog training.

#1.Get to know your dog! Every dog has its own personality and quarks. I have had dogs whose personality allows you to train them easily with very few problems. Then there were dogs whose personality was such that you’d be better off trying to get a brick bat to jump up! Knowing your dog helps you to see what he will react to i.e the tone of your voice or a hand signal or even a loud noise like a clapping of your hands.

get to know your dog

get to know your dog


#2.You must always have PATIENCE AND BE PATIENT when training your dog. If you want to train Rover then train yourself to be firm, yet gentle as you train. NEVER use FORCE or PUNISHMENT or PAIN in training your dog. These methods will usually cause more problems than fleas at a dog show! Also, they are more than likely to produce a mean, ill-tempered dog or sneaky dog. Do you remember your potty training days? REMEMBER… Patience is golden and a soft hand is a verture!

repeat word commands

repeat word commands

#3 Remember how you were taught the “times tables”? You repeated them over and over until you could recite them by memory…they called this “rote memory” not torture!  This is how you must patiently train your dog. By doing the same thing over and over again and doing it the SAME WAY over and over again and again, your dog will copy it or learn that behavior pattern. THEY’LL learn it faster if you tell them and show them that they are a “GOOD DOG” every time they do what you are teaching them…They learn faster if you give them a treat after they do it right…I use small Marshmallows that have been set out in the air and have become hard!

dog treats

dog treats

#4 Remember our first rule ? Well, here is where it is applied because you do not want to train your dog when it wants to play or wants to dig holes! This is why you get to know your dog’s habits i.e. active periods, sleep periods, or  just laying around periods. This knowledge will help you set your training time and help you recognize when it is time to stop training. As you can see by these few common or basic dog training facts… there are many more facts and ways to train your dog!

dog with rose

dog with rose

What I suggest to you is to go on line and research dog training. Be sure to avoid any type of training which encourages you to use training techniques that inflict pain or discomfort in the training process. Just ask yourself this … Would you like to be beaten, choked, shocked or punished when it come to learning some thing new? Well, good luck training rover and remember at Doggie Dog Coats we handle USA made leashes… John

December 29, 2012 at 8:38 PM Leave a comment

A puppy for Christmas? Really?

little to be big puppy

Tis the season to be jolly…until Aunt Martha gives little Johnny a… itsy, bitsy…cutest little puppy in the whole world! And tells you something like this…the minute she saw her…she instantly thought of her favorite nephew…little Johnny… who in reality wanted a PONY for Christmas! And by the size of little puppy’s paws…you think Johnny just got his Christmas wish…A pony covered with fur!! You go through the whole day talking with your relatives while all the time your eyes never leave the puppy…named THE PUDDLE MAKER WHO LEAVES LITTLE GIFTS EVERY WHERE…Thank you Aunt Martha!!! And let’s all give Aunt Martha a hand…RIGHT UP ALONG SIDE OF HER HEAD!

Pet Bird

Pet Bird

From birds that love to chew on wood trim and have a lampshade for dessert…



Fish in bowl

`to swimmy little things that grow into real live Piranhas…”

…tis the season to be careful about giving pets at Christmas or at anytime.




Doggie Dog Coats wishing you a safe and happy holiday season…Remember we carry a complete line of dog apparel and jewelry for your Christmas Shopping…

german sheperd

German Shepherd wishing you Merry Christmas!


BOW…WOW…WOW BOW…That dog is saying… Frohliche Weihnachten und Ein Gluckliches Neues Jahr… Sorry, I forgot this was a German Shepherd talking … Fritzzy was wishing ( euch ) you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We at Doggie Dog Coats wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

December 19, 2012 at 5:55 AM Leave a comment

Do dogs relieve our stress and lower our Blood Pressure?

Smiling stick man salking dog

Stick man walking dog with a smile

I recently read an article which stated that researchers have discovered

Brain firing messages

Brain firing messages

smiling and grinning seems to help reduce stress and lower blood pressure! The article also explained the reason behind this was due to the release of

Brain man smiling

Brain and man smiling

pheromones which literally goes to our heads…causing our pleasure centers to activate! This factor then causes us to relax, to lessen our stress and to change our state of mind…In short, we shift gears and slow down.

woman puppy touching noses

woman puppy touching noses

Now, any dog lover can tell you about how their pet dog will make anyone grin and smile ear to ear. Why their dog will darn right make you bust a gut laughing at their display of playfulness.

kids smiling hugging dog

kids hugging dog smiling

But you know there is more to this display of playing. I know this has to be true because every time I come through the front door after being gone for a time… My two dogs are waiting to greet me. They bark a happy bark…they jump up on their hind feet and paw the air like some horse in a T.V. Western…They bring me their favorite toy or something for me to play with them…and all this time they are dancing and prancing around me…This action stops only when I pet them and talk to them!

Woman Dog sharing

woman dog sharing a special moment

I have often come home after work, so tired and wore out that I just wondered if I could go back to that job in the AM…THEN I open that door and I find myself greeted by dogs…. Suddenly I am recharged… I can hear myself laughing… and telling them how much I missed them! Yes, I am not only grinning and smiling …I am busting my gut with laughter!! And you know what…I really do feel RELAXED!

woman walking two dogs

woman walking two dogs

RELAXED enough to take my dogs out for a walk because the stresses and pressures of today’s work have been lifted off my shoulders… Have you ever had an experience like this? If not then get your dog and start bonding with it by taking a walk outside…You with your coat on and your dog with it’s coat on…If your dog doesn’t have a coat…then get one from our store… We can even custom make one for your pet!!

Thanks for sharing!…. John

December 6, 2012 at 9:15 AM 3 comments